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영자신문읽기 제1144회

영자신문읽기 제1144


- Korea Rules Anti-Abortion Law Unconstitutional


PART 1-1: Global Headline News

South Korea Rules Anti-Abortion Law Unconstitutional (The New York Times, April 11)

The Risks of Getting a Tattoo Are Rare, But Real. Here's What to Know (TIME, April 12)

Cyclist group wants the government to pay people to ride to work (News.com, April 13)

PART 1-2: Global Headline News in Detail



The Risks of Getting a Tattoo Are Rare, But Real. Here's What to Know (TIME, April 12)

Nearly three in 10 Americans have a tattoo, yet ink is still somewhat stigmatized. There are other risks, too. It’s normal to experience some swelling and soreness after getting a tattoo. There’s not enough evidence to make any claims about tattoos causing cancer, but doctors have noted a small number of melanoma skin cancers that appear in tattoos.

tattoo: 문신

stigmatize: 낙인을 찍다

melanoma: 흑색종


(A) Cyclist group wants the government to pay people to ride to work (News.com, April 13)

Now the federal election has been called, groups are lining up to pitch their wishlists to candidates and a major cycling organisation has proposed a bold idea. Bicycle Network has 50,000 members across Australia and it wants the government to pay people $5 each time they ride to work, in a bid to increase cycle commuter levels.

federal: 연방의

pitch: 권유하려 하다, 홍보하다

candidate: 후보자

in a bid to: ~하기 위해서, ~하기 위한 시도로

commuter: 통근자


PART 2: The News Focus


South Korea Rules (its) Anti-Abortion Law Unconstitutional (The New York Times, April 11)

South Korea’s Constitutional Court on Thursday ruled as unconstitutional a 66-year-old law that made abortion a crime punishable by up to two years in prison.

The court gave Parliament until the end of 2020 to revise the law. If lawmakers do not meet that deadline, the law will become null and void. It currently remains in force.

The verdict represented a landmark victory for abortion rights advocates, who have campaigned for the law’s abolition as a major step in bolstering women’s rights.

In its ruling, the court said the anti-abortion law “violates a pregnant woman’s right to choose.” But it left it to Parliament to decide whether to restrict abortions in the late stages of a pregnancy.

abortion: 낙태

unconstitutional: 위헌의

revise: 개정하다

null and void: 무효의

in force: 효력을 지닌

abolition: 폐지

bolster: 강화하다, 북돋우다



한국 헌법재판소, 낙태 금지법 위헌 판결

지난 목요일, 한국 헌법재판소(이하 헌재)는 낙태를 2년 이하의 징역형에 처할 수 있는 범죄로 규정한 66년 된 낙태 금지법이 위헌이라고 판결하면서 법 개정을 요구했다.

헌재는 국회에 2020년 말까지 이 법을 개정할 것을 요청했다. 만약 국회가 마감시한을 넘기게 되면, 낙태 금지법은 무효화 된다. 그때까지 낙태 금지법은 존치된다.

이번 판결은 여권 강화를 위한 중요한 조치로 낙태 금지법 폐지 운동을 펼쳐왔던 낙태 지지자들에게는 역사에 남을만한 판결이다.

헌재는 이번 판결에서 낙태 금지법이 여성들의 선택권을 침해한다고 밝혔다. 그러나 헌재는 임신 말기의 낙태를 규제할지에 대한 결정은 국회에 넘겼다.




Part 3: DIY 영어 기사 작성하기

매년 약 17만 건의 낙태가 시술되고 있다고 추정된다.

It is estimated that around 170,000 pregnancies are a every year.

It is estimated that around 170,000 pregnancies are aborted every year.

It is estimated that around 170,000 abortions are p every year.

It is estimated that around 170,000 abortions are performed every year.


Q) 본문의 내용에 의거해 괄호 안에 맞는 내용을 고르세요? 2)

activists have campaigned to abolish the anti-abortion law as a major step in women.

1) pro-choice, improving 2) pro-choice, empowering 3) pro-life, bolstering 4) pro-life, empowering






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