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영자신문읽기 제1145회

영자신문읽기 제1145

- WTO upholds Korea’s ban on Fukushima seafood


PART 1-1: Global Headline News

WTO upholds South Korean ban on Fukushima seafood (The Washington Post, April 12)

Petting zoos a breeding ground for drug-resistant superbugs, study finds (The Independent, April 13)

Measles cases up 300% worldwide in 2019, says WHO (The Guardian, April 15)

PART 1-2: Global Headline News in Detail


Petting zoos (are) a breeding ground for drug-resistant superbugs, (a) study finds (The Independent, April 13)

A new study found more than one in 10 animals carry at least one strain of bacteria capable of withstanding multiple important antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance has been dubbed a global health emergency which could push medicine back to the “dark ages” when even minor cuts or surgery raised the prospect of lethal infections.

breeding ground: 번식지, 온상

resistant: 내성이 있는, 저항하는

strain: 종류, 유형

withstand: 견뎌내다

antibiotic: 항생제

infection: 감염


Measles cases (are) up 300% worldwide in 2019, says (the) WHO (The Guardian, April 15)

Measles cases worldwide rose by 300% during the first three months of 2019 compared with the same period last year, the World Health Organization said, amid growing concerns over the impact of anti-vaccination campaigns. Measles, which is highly contagious, can be entirely prevented with a two-dose vaccine.

measles: 홍역

concern: 우려

contagious: 전염되는

PART 2: The News Focus


(The) WTO upholds (the) South Korean ban on Fukushima seafood (The Washington Post, April 12)

The World Trade Organization has upheld South Korea’s import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, overturning a ruling by a lower panel last year that said Seoul was unfairly discriminating against Japanese products.

The decision is a setback for Japan, which has promoted Fukushima’s recovery from the nuclear disaster and the safety of its agricultural and fisheries products ahead of next year’s Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

South Korea on Friday welcomed the decision and said it will continue to block all fishery products from Fukushima and seven neighboring prefectures to ensure “only foods that are confirmed as safe are put on the table.”

uphold: (, 원칙을) 유지시키다, 옹호하다

overturn: 뒤집다

ruling: 판결

discriminate against: ~을 차별하다

setback: 차질

prefecture: (행정구역)


WTO "후쿠시마산 수산물 수입금지 문제없다"

세계무역기구(WTO)2011년 후쿠시마 원전사태에 피해를 입은 지역에서 나온 일본 해산물에 대한 한국의 수입 금지조치를 문제 없다고 판결했다. 이는 한국이 일본 제품에 부당한 차별을 가하고 있다는 작년 1심 판결을 뒤집는 조치다.

이번 판결은 2020년 도쿄 하계올림픽을 앞두고 원전 사태에서 회복되었다는 점과 일본의 농수산물의 안전성을 홍보해 왔던 일본에게는 큰 타격이다.

금요일, 한국은 이번 판결을 환영하면서 후쿠시마와 7개 이웃 현에서 나온 모든 수산물을 계속해서 금지하겠다는 입장을 밝혔다. ‘안전이 확인된 식품만을 국민들의 밥상에 올리겠다는 취지다.


Part 3: DIY 영어 기사 작성하기

SNS는 인터넷에서 남을 괴롭히는 일이 빈번하게 발생하는 장소라고 비난 받아 왔다.

Social media has been severely criticized as a h of online harassment.

Social media has been severely criticized as a hotbedof online harassment.


Q) 본문의 내용에 의거해 괄호 안에 맞는 내용을 고르세요? 1)

Food is now a/an between South Korea and Japan.

1) safety - bone of contention, 2) safety - agenda, 3) security - bone of contention, 4) security - agenda






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